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Minihaus News

A great child daycare centre

Delegation from South Korea visits Minihaus Bognerhof

Lots of space and a great place: This was the general view of a group of visitors from South Korea who honoured the Bognerhof with a visit this week. 40 female heads of various educational establishments in Seoul came to find out more about our Minihaus in Trudering and learnt a lot about our concept and our day-to-day educational work. Nursery Manager Corinna Jantsch and Deputy Head of Education Silvia Wick took the group on a tour of the building, showing one crèche home room and one nursery home room by way of example, presented our day-to-day educational work, and were available to answer the visitors’ questions. Even then it was obvious how much the educators appreciated our work at Minihaus and how enthusiastic they were about it. The educators were also very much taken with the spacious accommodation and the beautifully designed home rooms. A great experience for both parties!

We had already welcomed engineers and educators from South Korea at our Minihaus in Pippinger Strasse in 2018. Then, too, our setup and organisations impressed the visitors and we had a great exchange of views on quality. The South Korean organisation plans to continue its collaboration with us to arrive at optimum decisions regarding equal opportunities in the care and education of children, both from a social and from a political perspective. We are very pleased with this collaboration which we see as a confirmation of our professional work at Minihaus München. (ks/sw)

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