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Minihaus News

'Little Picassos - Creative Art For Young Minds' - Our Minis are turning into artists

We’ve got an artist at Minihaus München now!

‘Little Picassos - Creative Art For Young Minds’ - Cynthia Drack, who holds a Bachelor in Arts (Psychology) and a Bachelor in Business (Marketing), founded this art school.

Even the very littles ones can get enthusiastic about colours and shapes, they paint and stick, using a great variety of techniques and materials.

For this they use professional paints and brushes – but also everyday household materials.

They explore the world of colours and shapes through play, by experimenting and trying out.

Another fun activity is to take the paintings of great artists as the starting point for creating your own work.

Topics covered are abstract art, creating art from natural materials, the science of colours, perspective, drawing.

All this takes place in creative, caring and motivating surroundings which allow the children to create their works of art independently and without restrictions.

Cynthia tells stories, and at the same time she promotes and stimulates the children’s perceptive and fine motor skills and creativity while they are drawing and painting.

Even very small children learn their first words of English without realising it - the creative classes are held in English and German.

On Tuesday Cynthia and the Minis worked on water lilies which resulted in beautiful works of art!

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