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Minihaus News

Nursery children give to other nursery children

MINIHAUS München in Tölzer Strasse donates €375 to Horizont e.V.

This donation was not only a special thing for MINIHAUS; PR representative for Horizont e.V., Nicolas Grünbeck, said the charity had never received a donation from nursery children to other nursery children before. Shortly before Christmas, the Tölzer Strasse MINIHAUS nursery wanted to give the proceeds of a cake sale to a children’s charity. Staff and children voted for charities on a list and the outcome was soon decided: the total of €375 was to be donated to the Horizont e.V. campaign fronted by actress Jutta Speidel.

Theo and Amalia from the Tölzer Strasse nursery’s Red Group were chosen to present the donation at Horizont-Haus Domagkpark. This is a centre which looks after a total of 37 children in its nursery school and crèche. Rosalie Meyer and Nicolas Grünbeck, jointly responsible for fundraising and PR at Horizont e.V., took the children and MINIHAUS nursery manager Anja Mundigl on a tour of the whole premises: group rooms, workshop, training area – the centre even has a little restaurant and a stage for performances. It is also home to a number of families which Horizont e.V. has protected, supported and given a future over the year.

The donation was then presented in the crèche, where Theo and Amalia very proudly handed over their home-made cheque. Thanks for your support! (ks)

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