... all of this is what makes us!
Dear Parents,
Looking for caring, high-quality childcare for your child? Want to be confident that your child will feel at home and secure, able to take pleasure in discovering the world? Then you’ve come to exactly the right place. For over 40 years, our major concern has been the support of families with children. We are convinced that professional commitment and a happy childhood are not mutually exclusive. This is why we offer you first-class childcare and a service which gives you maximum flexibility when combining children and a career. And if you want it, from crèche-age until your child finishes primary school.
About us
We are located at:
Freiham: Marie-Luise-Jahn-Strasse 3
Sendling-Westpark: Fürstenrieder Straße 263
Sendling-Westpark: Fürstenrieder Straße 267
Sendling-Westpark: Westendstraße 302 (next to Westpark)
Pasing-Obermenzing: Menzinger Straße 139
Thalkirchen-Obersendling: Tölzer Straße 2
Trudering: Truderinger Straße 293 (Bognerhof)
Our kindergartens and crèches provide a well above-average quality of childcare and work with a first-class, education-orientated concept with children’s basic needs as its focus. In our nursery, we pay attention to children’s individuality and give them the time they need to grow up. Children and their thirst for exploration and knowledge are at the centre of all we do.
With extra-long opening hours (7 am – 7 pm) at our locations in Munich* providing parents with maximum flexibility, our crèches and kindergartens offer children plenty of opportunities to discover the world through play. In the process, we consider it important to observe the children’s own rhythm, to give their imagination free rein and always to provide new, exciting areas for discovery. Our crèche and kindergarten staff sensitively support children as they take important developmental steps and acquire elementary learning experiences. Knowledge of English is communicated through play in everyday situations to educate the children bilingually.
You have to practise early if you want to make it big later: this is why our kindergartens offer concepts for early education in all the important spheres. Whether music and movement, language and literacy, art and creativity, nature and technology – every child gets a chance. “Learning” and preparation for primary school also get plenty of attention in our kindergarten. Our learning workshops address children’s curiosity and their thirst for exploration and teach important skills for learning.
Minihaus München has access to a broad range of skills with strong partners in childcare and education. In addition to the Kinderhaus München (for special needs education), these include the bilingual kindergarten International Kids Campus (IKC), the bilingual all-day primary school International Bilingual School Munich (ibsm), and the Arbeitskreis Legasthenie Bayern e.V. (for support with literacy and numeracy). All have been working on children’s linguistic, intellectual, emotional and social development very successfully for decades.
Our special concept: our staff attend ongoing training and courses in education at our in-house training academy. Their state of knowledge in childcare is thus always right up to date.
*Different opening times apply at our facilities in Fürstenrieder Strasse and Marie-Luise-Jahn-Strasse.
Our philosophy
We are convinced that a happy childhood and career flexibility for parents are not mutually exclusive. A prerequisite for combining family and career is high-quality, flexible childcare which puts the needs of children and their parents at the centre of its activities.
MINIHAUS München provides a first-class education and childcare with an educational focus to guarantee that
- children feel secure and at home with us and have the time and space to develop healthily at their own pace.
- parents can be confident that their children will be looked after by us with great care, experiencing an optimum education.
To achieve this, we give maximum priority to:
- a crèche and kindergarten atmosphere which makes the children feel safe, warm and secure.
- close collaboration with parents and the parents’ committee characterized by flexibility, trust, appreciation and competence.
- modern educational principles and qualified, committed, motivated staff who undertake ongoing training and perform their work with care and competence in the service of children and parents.
- a first-class concept of childcare focused on education which taps into children’s natural curiosity and their joy in play and sensitively supports them in their development.
- boundary conditions which perfectly suit the parents’ requirements for reliability and flexibility.
- supplementary services which perfectly complement children’s care and education and take the load off parents – such as skiing and swimming lessons, various workshops, speech therapy, children’s hairdresser, our photographer and more.*
*Our facilities in Fürstenrieder Strasse and Marie-Luise-Jahn-Strasse are operated in line with the guidelines of the Münchner Förderformel and therefore offer different services.
Our educational model
in the crèche & kindergarten
Our educational model is based to a significant extent on the basic needs of children which are of fundamental importance for the early years:
- the need for security, emotional stability, bonding and care.
- the need to express curiosity through play, to explore, comprehend and understand the world.
- the need to experience community and to share experiences with other people.
Using these basic needs as a starting point, we have developed an innovative educational nursery concept. It goes without saying that this concept draws heavily on the content of the Bavarian state education plan and ensures a high quality of both education and childcare.
Our aim is to support your child to the best of our ability so that he or she can develop into a self-confident, socially competent, life-affirming, happy personality with a love of learning. Our claim here is that we sensitively design early years’ educational, maturing and learning processes in our groups.
Our educational concept in crèche and kindergarten is based on forward-looking principles including those developed by Maria Montessori. In line with the motto “Help me to do it myself …” we specifically support the child to cover important developmental steps and experience basic learning at his or her own pace and in accord with his or her unique characteristics. This is the background against which we implement the focus of our educational activities to suit development and situation. It also includes promoting the learning of English through play in everyday situations.
The focus of our educational activities
Our aim is to give children warmth and security and to accompany them with great care as they explore the world. We implement the focal points of our educational activities below with a high level of sensitivity, extraordinary ideas, modern methodology and our enthusiasm for children:
Development through trust: every child in our nursery receives a high level of individual, caring attention, sensitive care and age-appropriate provision. One trusted and attentive link person actively accompanies the child on its way and is always available as a “safe haven”.
At the child’s pace: we do not dictate the pace of development, the children do – every child at his or her own pace to suit his or her unique characteristics. We specifically take up stimuli, provide valuable suggestions and facilitate “educational” experiences and discoveries. At the same time, our daily routine ensures a healthy balance between rest and activity, excitement and relaxation.
“Do you speak English?”: we actively promote the learning of a second language by making it possible to experience English in the everyday routine. Songs, stories and guessing games develop skills in English through play. In this way, we facilitate the acquisition of valuable linguistic skills even at crèche and kindergarten stage.
Adventures in the world of movement: we consider exercise a key prerequisite for healthy development in the education of children, which is why we tap into children’s joy in movement in our daily routine and in a variety of projects. We have fun in movement games and rituals, explore width, height and depth through play and move to music, in sport, dance and rhythmic activitities.
Free rein to the imagination: we provide space and time to encourage children to give free rein to their imagination and creativity through play. Toy-free areas in every group, materials to awaken creativity together with stories and sounds to stimulate the imagination all promote the development of children’s talent and potential.
Projects to arouse curiosity: we tap into children’s curiosity, thirst for knowledge and need to explore in child-centred, exciting projects. Together, we open up new worlds, explore nature, experiment, let off steam, paint, make things and play with language and music. Our concept is to communicate valuable learning skills through play.
Islands inviting discovery: a smart room concept provides islands to encourage exploration, amazement and experimentation. For example, children can experience nature and technology, language, literature, movement and music in the different locations.
Independence: in the educational routine, times in which children are tied to “their” group alternate with times when they can seek out neighbouring groups and rooms as they like. In this way, we promote in our crèche a balance between the need to belong, a child’s need to explore and the requirement for a variety of social experiences.
“Minihaus On Tour...“: at regular intervals, we take the crèche on attractive trips and excursions. Whether this is the nearby adventure playground, Hellabrunn zoo or the butterflies in the Botanical Garden – there are countless ways of making a child’s eyes light up.
Our aim is to strengthen children’s personalities and encourage them to explore the world. With extraordinary ideas, a modern methodology and our enthusiasm for children, our nursery focuses on the educational activities below.
Development through trust: children need to feel safe and secure in order to be able to explore the world, research new things and expand their sphere of activity. One caring, sensitive and attentive link person accompanies the child on its development path and is available as a “safe haven”.
At the child’s pace: it is not we, the education staff in the kindergarten, who set the pace of development, but the children themselves – every child at his or her own pace to suit his or her unique characteristics. In our groups, we offer stimulating educational environments, tap into specific stimuli and communicate valuable experiences and discoveries. Our educational routine ensures a balance between rest and activity, excitement and relaxation.
Our workshops: children develop different interests, talents and inclinations. Our workshops offer every child lots of different opportunities to follow these up: creative painting, making things, crafts, music und movement, hands-on science, children’s theatre, the world of fairy tales, mini-circus and much more.
The science adventure: children want to get to the bottom of things, find connections, find out how the world “works”. In our daily routine, we carry out experiments closely related to life, exciting projects and educational excursions. Experts in practical and scientific matters show us the “wonders” of the world.
“Do you speak English?”: we actively promote the learning of a second language by making it possible to experience English in the everyday routine. In our “language workshop”, we communicate linguistic skills through play. In this way, we facilitate the acquisition of valuable language skills even at crèche and kindergarten stage.
Showing off art for little ones! Paints, glue, paper, fabrics and so on and so forth – children can develop their creative side with us however they choose to. We encourage, we make suggestions and we make space to show off art for little ones. Our exhibitions of their artwork will make more than just their parents proud.
Free rein to the imagination: dressing up, trying out roles, making up stories – children’s imagination is an important driver in their development. We offer children a wide variety of opportunities to give free rein to their imagination in the group routine, in projects and in workshops.
Our learning workshop: the natural curiosity of a child is the ideal prerequisite for positive learning experiences. In our “learning workshop” we specifically tap into a child’s natural curiosity. We put questions to the whole group, investigate connections and discover uncharted territory. In the process, we communicate important learning skills and thus lay the foundations for successful learning and provide perfect preparation for primary school.
Fit and active: exercise, an awareness of diet and a positive body image are essential for healthy development. In our routine and in our workshops, we have fun moving to music, in sport, in dance and in rhythmic activity. We pay attention to a healthy diet, take time to enjoy our food and to develop a positive body image.
Strength comes from rest: children are increasingly exposed to more stimuli – time moves faster. As a result, we aim to stop and take stock every so often and to create islands of calm and relaxation. The aim of our nursery in doing so is to pass on to the children valuable strategies to enable them to concentrate and be attentive both internally and externally.
“Minihaus On Tour...“: our groups regularly go out together to explore the world around them. Whether a visit to the museum, to the police or fire station, a nature walk in the local wood, a visit to a play or an excursion to Hellabrunn zoo – all these get little explorers’ pulses racing.
ISO 9001
We are TÜV-certified
A complex process by TÜV SÜD has resulted in successful certification of Minihaus München to DIN ISO 9001.
Only very few child daycare facilities in the state capital of Munich (and even in the whole of Bavaria) have this special quality seal of which we are very proud.
In the course of certification, TÜV SÜD impressively confirmed that our quality management system is highly effective and enables us continuously to examine and continue developing the quality of our childcare services.
Continuous development
We set out with our staff years ago to develop quality assurance methods and processes and to establish a quality management system. As we did so, we analysed our activities such as the acclimatization phase or the daily care of your children in detail, repeatedly asking ourselves where and how we could continue developing our childcare services. The suggestions and feedback you passed on to us in our annual parent questionnaire were particularly valuable to us in this process.
Focusing on the children's needs
En route to certification, our top priority was always making the needs of the children who attend Minihaus the focus – naturally also including your wishes and expectations of Minihaus München as parents. Particular attention was also paid to staff issues, because only a satisfied workforce which feels valued and supported is able to concentrate entirely on its work with your children.
Obtaining the QM quality seal from TÜV SÜD is a milestone for Minihaus München - and at the same time, a promise to you, our parents, that Minihaus München is doing everything in its power to offer an above-average quality of childcare services, allowing your children always to feel safe, comfortable and secure with us and enabling them to achieve their maximum potential.
First-class teaching in environmentally-friendly surroundings
Sustainable and CO2-neutral
Minihaus München nurseries give a high priority not just to high-quality, thoughtful childcare, they also ensure that it takes place in a climate-friendly, healthy environment. This is why the Minihaus nurseries in Menzinger Strasse, Pippinger Strasse, Westendstrasse and Truderinger Strasse were built to take account of the latest environmental and climate-protection issues and are run largely CO2-neutrally using solar energy and ground-source heat.
“Breathable” walls promote a good indoor climate
The external walls of the buildings are built using heat-insulated bricks, with the result that no composite heat-insulating system using expanded polystyrene had to be applied. Both external and internal walls were plastered with mineral products.
Only high-quality silicate paints were used for painting; in contrast to emulsion paints, these are more breathable and lower in allergens. This makes the walls breathable and ensures a good indoor climate by absorbing and then releasing moisture, among other things.
Windows and doors have high-quality triple glazing which, in addition to insulating well against cold and heat, provides very good sound insulation.
Ventilation systems save energy and ensure an ideal indoor climate
All our premises have ventilation systems which incorporate heat recovery controlled by sensors. The systems automatically route stale air outdoors and, in the cooler months of the year, remove about 85 per cent of the heat energy from that exhaust air. This heat is then used to heat up the fresh air taken in from outside, if necessary, so that in the winter months, in particular, almost no energy is lost and less central heating is required than when ventilating conventionally by opening windows.
Another great advantage of the ventilation systems is their CO2 control: as soon as the carbon dioxide content in the air in the room in parts per million (ppm) is too high, the ventilation systems automatically ensure that the air in the room is exchanged. The ventilation systems furthermore have special filters to retain fine dust and pollen from the fresh air - a particular bonus for children with allergies.
Heating and hot water without fossil fuels
Minihaus premises are heated entirely without fossil fuels such as oil or natural gas. Heat pumps fed by geothermal heat close to the earth’s surface with the support of roof absorbers or solar thermal systems, or by ground water, are used instead.
Up to about 1.5 metres below the foundation slab, pipework was laid in the earth under part of the buildings to function as geothermal collectors; these store the heat which is provided by roof absorbers/solar thermal systems and also by the ground itself. Alternatively, heat energy is obtained from ground water. What is more, in the summer months, the underfloor heating system operates in reverse to extract heat from rooms; this heat is then stored in the geothermal collectors.
In winter, the heat pump sends the heat provided by ground water or by the geothermal collectors to the underfloor heating system to heat the rooms.
The electrical power required to operate the heat pumps, ventilation systems and other technology and lighting is taken from the municipal grid in Munich in the form of green electricity and some is generated in-house by a photovoltaic system on the roof.
Access control systems provide maximum security for children and parents
Safety & Security
The doors in Minihaus nurseries are equipped with a bell and video system and can be opened with an access chip. This gives parents access to the building and to the cloakroom area. The inner area of Minihaus nurseries - group rooms, toilet facilities, gymnastic areas and so on - is accessible only via the bell and video system – in other words, teaching staff can see who is ringing the bell. This allows the children to move freely within the inner area without strangers having access. The gardens at Minihaus nurseries are also protected, as they can only be accessed via the buildings. The access control systems simultaneously ensure that no child can get out of a Minihaus unaccompanied.
Further safety features are the smoke alarms installed in every room and the safety glass fitted in all windows and doors.