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Minihaus News

It’s like one big family

Nursery assistant Selina Gramenz has been working at MINIHAUS München for over five years. We talked to her about education and teaching and about why MINIHAUS München is a great employer.

From your point of view, what makes education and teaching at MINIHAUS special?

Ms Gramenz: The children’s needs always have top priority and that informs the daily routine, too. We are very flexible with that and can take our lead from the children; we have a great many potential ways of working and are able to adapt them to suit the children. Our curriculum guides us - but if, for example, we were planning to read a book and notice that the children are very lively and need to move about, we can just spontaneously go into the garden or the gym and set up an exercise circuit.

What also makes the education so special is the wide variety of co-curricular activities on offer. For example, the children are mad about Cynthia and the Little Picassos, Capoeira or the Tölz Boys' Choir. It’s really good fun to watch the people leading these activities, and I learn things in the process, too! The main aim here is for the children to enjoy these co-curricular activities.  

What’s special about MINIHAUS working in accordance with the “little scientists” principle?

Ms Gramenz: This gives us the opportunity to pick up and encourage the specific interests of children. I find it really exciting myself to work with experiments, and this enthusiasm is then passed on to the children. 

Why is MINIHAUS München a great employer?

Ms Gramenz: I’m especially excited about the opportunities to continue my training, particularly at “Feinschliff” (“Final polish”), the company’s in-service training academy. I am currently interested in pursuing my professional development with applied psychology; there are a lot of opportunities for this here at MINIHAUS. I also think it’s great that there is the possibility of completing a trainee program or of working as a safety officer in addition to teaching.

The large spaces for movement are a particular plus at MINIHAUS, especially here at the Pippinger Straße site – plus the large, attractive garden, the big gym, the research hut, the creative room ... there are always plenty of potential spaces you can use with the children.

What is also great is the opportunity to help design the annual plan. We are allowed to voice an opinion in the team and help determine which topics the plan will include.

The thing I particularly value, however, is the transparency among colleagues. We have the opportunity to exchange ideas and opinions on in-service training days, or internally at the monthly in-house team meetings. The nursery managers are always open to our questions or suggestions. For me, this is all something like an anchor, like one big family which treats all its members with respect.

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